China Daily Asia
AI in 2025: Application or Experimentation? 2025年的AI:走向應用還是繼續實驗?

- Title
- AI in 2025: Application or Experimentation? 2025年的AI:走向應用還是繼續實驗?
- Date posted
- 1 month ago
- Description
- Where is artificial intelligence headed in 2025? Kai-Fu Lee, CEO of 01.AI, says he believes that this will be the year of AI applications, while Professor Stuart Russell warns of the high failure rate in developing these apps, and says he thinks 2025 will be a year of ongoing experimentation. Despite their differing views, both are agreed on the potential of AI in Hong Kong. Click the video for more insights from these experts!

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- Peak Talk: Interview with Kyrgyzstan's minister of economy and commerce, Bakyt Sydykov
- Date posted
- 1 month ago
- Description
- In a new episode of "Peak Talk", Kyrgyzstan's minister of economy and commerce, Bakyt Sydykov, said that #China has long been the country's largest trading partner, with trade relations growing. He said that #Kyrgyzstan has begun to introduce a daily exchange rate for the renminbi and is eager to initiate more large-scale cooperation projects with China in the future.

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- A Taste of Macanese Cuisine|味至濃時是吾鄉
- Date posted
- 2 months ago
- Description
- When you think of Macao, what delicious foods come to mind? Egg tarts, pork chop buns, or almond cookies? One unique offering you can find only in the city is Macanese cuisine. Recognized by UNESCO as "the world's first fusion cuisine," the Macanese culinary tradition has emerged from a rich blend of Chinese and Western cultures over the past 400 years. Many recipes are passed down through generations, which puts some dishes at risk of being forgotten.
Since Macao's return to the motherland, both the central and Macao Special Administrative Region governments have prioritized the protection of cultural heritage and the preservation of local diversity. Thanks to the central government's support and the dedication of the Macanese community, the culinary traditions of Macanese cuisine continue to thrive. Today, an increasing number of visitors are coming to Macao to savor its distinctive flavors!

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- The Arrow and the Song | 老友記
- Date posted
- 2 months ago
- Description
- In September 2024, Erwin Neher, a Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine, received the Chinese Government Friendship Award. Back in 2016, he was invited by Macau University of Science and Technology to set up a laboratory on campus. #Macao at that time was known as a "research desert", but Neher led his team to achieve remarkable research breakthroughs in areas such as the ion channel and in brain neurology. He has also delved deeply into the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of major diseases such as cancer and heart disease. In the time he has spent in Macao over the last eight years, he has shared in the hardships of Macao's research journey and witnessed the great achievements, and has written a song expressing the deep friendship he feels toward China. #TCM
2024年9月,諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎得主埃爾文·內爾獲得中國政府友誼獎。2016 年,澳門科技大學組建諾獎實驗室,邀請內爾教授擔任實驗室...

- Title
- Exclusive interview with Mario Ho: Macao signifies identity | 何猷君專訪:後浪
- Date posted
- 2 months ago
- Description
- On Dec 20, 1999, Macao was reintegrated into China following a historic handover ceremony. Four-year-old Mario Ho was too young to understand the reason behind his family's celebrations. Now, a quarter of a century later, he has witnessed the city's transformation and is striving to achieve his own goals by actively participating in the city's development. #Macao #eSports

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- Traditions Resonate — A Journey on the Yangqin 「揚情」之旅
- Date posted
- 3 months ago
- Description
- The #Yangqin is indispensable among traditional Chinese musical instruments. Lee Meng-hsueh from Taiwan, Yangqin principal at the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, has embraced new experiences and the beauty of traditional music with many Yangqin pieces. How does she encounter and familiarize herself with the Yangqin? Watch the latest episode of #TheEchos to learn more!
「這個樂器就是用兩個小的琴竹這樣敲,好可愛。」回憶起最初與 #揚琴 的相遇,李孟學這樣說。作為中國傳統民族樂器大家族中必不可少的一員,揚琴為李孟學解鎖了許多新體驗,同時也在她的心中深深扎下了傳統音樂的「根」。中國日報專訪來自台灣的香港中樂團揚琴首席李孟學,點擊視頻,一起踏上「揚情」之旅吧!#民樂

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- Coming 'home' across the Strait
- Date posted
- 3 months ago
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- Taiwan baseball coach Lu Chin-lin has spent eight years in Fujian’s Liancheng, sharing his passion and building cross-Strait ties through baseball. Click to watch his story.

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- Singing in the youth 青春年華 對酒「當」歌
- Date posted
- 3 months ago
- Description
- Do familiar melodies from yesteryear bring memories flooding back? After 20 years, the classics still resonate even though new memories continue to emerge. China Daily interviews the renowned #Taiwan music duo #PowerStation. Let’s take a step back in time with their stories!
「讓我們紅塵作伴,活得瀟瀟灑灑⋯⋯」伴隨著熟悉的旋律,你是否記起那個在電視機前度過的夏天?二十年後,經典屹立不倒,而新的回憶也在不斷湧現。中國日報專訪 #台灣 知名音樂組合 #動力火車,一起踏上這場青春之旅。

- Title
- Chen's Deep Affection for Chinese Culture 落槌定情
- Date posted
- 3 months ago
- Description
- Born in Taiwan, educated in the US and UK, and now an auctioneer and associate vice-president at Christie’s Hong Kong, Chen Liang-Lin went viral on Chinese social media for her charismatic performances at auctions. She also has another “role” — a Chinese-culture “addict”.

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- Taiwan Youth Put Down Roots in Shenzhen 「深」入人心
- Date posted
- 3 months ago
- Description
- Should I start a business in #Shenzhen or simply enjoy life? Standing at a crossroads, how would you choose? China Daily interviews Ryan Chuang, a young entrepreneur from #Taiwan, who shares his journey from being a newcomer to putting down roots in this vibrant innovation landscape in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. #gba
深漂創業還是享受生活?站在人生的十字路口,你會如何選擇?中國日報採訪來自 #台灣 的青年 #創業 者莊大緯,講述他與 #粵港澳大灣區 從陌生到紮根這片科創熱土的故事。

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- Walled City's Wildest Dreams Achieved by AI 九龍城寨之AI製造
- Date posted
- 4 months ago
- Description
- Without ever setting foot in Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong artist Bianca Tse uses artificial intelligence to restore life in the once-chaotic neighborhood. How does she navigate the challenges posed by AI on her industry, and what are the goals of her artwork? Click on the video to learn more!
#kowloonWalledCity #HongKong #aiartist #九龍城寨 #香港

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- On Stage 水向東流
- Date posted
- 5 months ago
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- In recent years, the "China chic" trend has captivated a new generation of younger people, as various original Chinese works have been gaining in global popularity. Among these, many original Chinese #dance dramas have toured internationally, winning critical acclaim and box-office success with their unique Chinese aesthetics. They attract a growing international audience in Western mainstream markets with their diverse presentations and interpretations of Chinese culture. How has "China chic" evolved in the way it is presented in different works? Let's explore more in the video. #chinachic

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- Friends Afar: How do Chinese scientists grow soybeans in Pakistan? 香港農業科學家的巴基斯坦種豆奇遇記
- Date posted
- 5 months ago
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- This summer, #Pakistan experienced record-breaking temperatures of up to 52 C. The extreme heat caused heatstroke, fatalities, and reduced crop yields. Lam Hon-ming, a leading soybean expert from #HongKong, traveled to Pakistan to help farmers develop new #soybean varieties. Despite enduring scorching heat, long journeys, sandstorms, and rough rides, this adventure resulted in higher-yielding seeds and fostered mutual goodwill between the people of China and Pakistan. #thegold #75YearsOn #waysofprogress
今年夏天,位於南亞的 #巴基斯坦 多地遭遇極端高溫,最高氣溫破52攝氏度。極端天氣不僅造成多人中暑和死亡,也導致了大批農作物欠收。林漢明是香港中文大學農業生物技術重點實驗室主任,也是一位頂尖的大豆專家,他曾針對中國西北地區複雜的氣候和土壤條件培育出抗旱、耐鹽鹼的大豆新品種。這一次,跟隨大豆的腳步一起去巴基斯坦,在烈日、風沙...

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- Shared Changing, Shared Future
- Date posted
- 5 months ago
- Description
- Young Chinese people's travel habits have changed significantly in recent years with the rise of social media. "Check-in" style tourism is increasingly popular.
As the number of visa-friendly countries for Chinese citizens grows, the new-style tourists are venturing overseas, facilitating people-to-people connections among countries and also promoting the relationship towards a shared future.
#tourism #socialmedia

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- Wu Opera - Stage born, stage bound| 婺劇:生於舞台,忠於舞台 還沒看過婺劇版《西遊記》?讓「京劇之宗」帶你感受傳統藝術在流量時代的強大生命力!
- Date posted
- 5 months ago
- Description
- #OurRoots: The history of #WuOpera, acclaimed as “the ancestry of Peking Opera" by renowned performer Mei Lanfang, stretches back almost five centuries. Now, by making continuous innovative adaptations grounded in traditional Chinese culture, Wu Opera is enticing increasingly large audiences to step into the theater. How can this traditional opera thrive in the internet age? Click the video to find the answers! #Culture #ChineseOpera
#婺劇,曾被大師梅蘭芳譽為「京劇之宗」,已有近500年的歷史。隨著時代發展,演員們不斷創新,婺劇在 #中華文化 的滋養下,依舊迸發出強大的生命力。「流量」和「藝術」是否相悖?一起來聽一聽婺劇藝術家們的答案。 #何以為本 #戲曲 #西遊記

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- Made in GBA
- Date posted
- 5 months ago
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- "Made in China" used to be a label associated with labor-intensive and low value-added commodities. However, over the years, the products behind the label have evolved from shoes and toys, to electric vehicles and drones. As the vanguard of China’s manufacturing, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has witnessed the nation’s transformation from world factory to smart manufacturing, and incubated 70 unicorn companies or startups valued at more than $1 billion. So what’s the secret behind the success of “Made in GBA”? #madeinindia #hongkong #china #chinanews #chinafactory

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- Hong Kong teens flock to Shanxi to learn drumming |十幾年唔厭!香港細路北上山西學大鼓,中咗鼓樂毒!
- Date posted
- 6 months ago
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- #OurRoots: Jiangzhou drum music rooted in HK
Jiangzhou drum music is a traditional art form that originated in Xinjiang County, #Shanxi Province, more than 1,000 years ago. Since #HongKong music producers came to Shanxi to record this music in the 1990s, thousands of Hong Kong teenagers have traveled to Shanxi to learn drumming. “Their love for this music even exceeds that of us locals.”
#絳州鼓樂 ,一種源於 #山西省 #新絳縣 的傳統音樂,已有上千年的歷史。上世紀90年代,#香港 音樂製作人遠赴山西錄音,使得香港成為絳州鼓樂走向世界的起點。數十年來,一批批香港青少年堅持赴山西學鼓,「他們對絳州鼓樂的愛甚至超越了我們當地人」。#何以為本

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- A song of water and fire — an exclusive interview with Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- After winning a groundbreaking women’s singles gold at the Paris Olympics, Chinese tennis superstar Zheng Qinwen sat down for an exclusive interview with China Daily online show Tracking Success. Zheng said that she holds both fire and water in her heart in order to achieve victory on the court, as she needs passion, but also patience to handle tough situations. She also said that the Games brought out her best, as she fought not just for herself, but for the honor of her nation on the red clay in Paris. To learn more, click the video.

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- Paris Olympics (by the Chinese): part four – Showtime
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
- Description
- A century after the last Summer Olympics in France, the world’s premier sports event returns with great fanfare, now significantly supported by Chinese technology and people.
Over the past three weeks, China Daily has explored the Chinese contributions underpinning the Paris Olympics, from volunteers like Liu Xinyi and Zheng Jiaxin to high-tech innovations showcased by Alibaba and Taishan Sports.
We watch traditional Hanfu celebrations and meet influential figures like Charles Leung of Chaumet, whose company designed the Olympic medals.
Join us as we witness first-hand how China is playing an important role in making the Paris Olympics a spectacular success.

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- Chinese-made brand-new pure electric convertible double-decker buses in Paris, France
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- In Paris, France, the venue of 2024 Summer Olympics, a fleet of Chinese-made brand-new pure electric convertible double-decker buses are gliding along the Seine, zipping through the Arc de Triomphe and pulling up in front of the Eiffel Tower. As the world's first of such kind, these electric buses are a technological marvel, promising pollution-free, experience-rich rides. Click the video to check it out. #ParisOlympics #electricbuses

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- Hui Ruoqi: From Spikes to Strides
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- Following her retirement, former Chinese women’s volleyball team captain Hui Ruoqi has continued to explore the world of volleyball in various roles. As a volleyball match commentator, Hui begins her new journey at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Click on the video to follow in her footsteps and explore a world of volleyball that you may not know! #volleyball #Paris2024 #ParisOlympics

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- The Summer Olympics are set to make a return to Paris after a century
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- The Summer Olympics are set to make a return to Paris after a century, solidifying the city's position as only the second in the world to host three Summer Olympics. #Paris2024 #ParisOlympics

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- Paris Olympics (by the Chinese): part three – The Chinese Parisian
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
- Description
- Join Mingjie as he returns to France in episode three of Paris Olympics (by the Chinese) to explore the deep-rooted cultural ties between China and Paris ahead of the 2024 Games.

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- Under the Spotlight - Chinese Acrobats at the global forefront | 聚光燈下的中國雜技人 西班牙比賽玩球跳踢踏舞——「人都說孫力力瘋了!」
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
- Description
- Chinese acrobats have frequently won top prizes worldwide since first taking part in an overseas competition in 1956. How can they maintain their leading position globally? Sun Lili and Cao Kai, two seasoned Chinese acrobats, shared their views on the significance of innovation for Chinese acrobats. "The pursuit of novelty is part of our human nature," said Sun.
中國是世界上的雜技大國。一直以來,中國雜技人在聚光燈下承載了多少目光,就承受了多少壓力。如何在競爭激烈的國際舞台保持領先?中國雜技團創意總監孫力力坦言,要保持中國雜技的優勢,就得兼學別樣——「雜技是個筐,什麼都能裝!」 #何以為本
#acrobatics #Chineseacrobats #Culture
#雜技 #馬戲

- Title
- 【#了不起的後浪:港乒「一姐」杜凱琹】Doo Hoi-kem: Table tennis star off the court
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- 【Doo Hoi-kem: Table tennis star off the court】
Hong Kong table tennis player Doo Hoi-kem made history by winning a bronze medal in the women’s team event at the Tokyo Olympics held in 2021. This year, she is gearing up for her third Olympic journey. Will she set any new landmarks in Paris? Click on the video to learn more about the star athlete off the court! #2024Paris #Olympics #TableTennis #HK #ParisOlympics #中國香港代表團 #港隊 #SupportHKathletes
3年前的東京奧運,香港 #乒乓球 選手 #杜凱琹 與隊友摘下女團銅牌,寫下港乒歷史新一頁。今年,是她第三度征戰 #奧運。從曾經的患得患失,到如今學會從容地面對輸贏,更加成熟自信的她,將在巴黎給我們帶來怎樣的驚喜?點擊視頻,中國日報帶你深度了解赛场下的港乒「一姐」!

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- CDHK In-Depth | Flower Market plans: Who wins? |重建花墟
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- By 2046, one in every two buildings in Hong Kong will be over 50 years old. On March 15, 2024, the Urban Renewal Authority unveiled a redevelopment blueprint for the city's centuries-old flower market, which is a hub for florists and retailers, causing a stir among locals.
#FlowerMarket #oldbuildings #agingbuildings #urbanrenewal #hongkong #culturepreservation #revitalization
#香港 #樓宇老齡化 #花墟 #市區更新 #活化 #保育

- Title
- Paris Olympics (by the Chinese): part two – Where the magic happens
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
- Description
- Join us in Episode 2 of “The Paris Olympics” as we travel to Zhejiang province, China, to uncover the innovation driving the upcoming games. We begin in Hangzhou, the hometown of our host, and meet Chris Tung of Alibaba, discussing the groundbreaking cloud-based technology enhancing Olympic broadcasts. Next, we journey to Shandong province to visit Taishan Sports and its founder Bian Zhiliang, exploring the roots of their world-class athletic equipment. Finally, we delve into the historical ties between China and France, visiting Qingtian to trace the origins of the Chinese community in Paris. Don’t miss this insightful blend of technology, history, and culture!

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- Cashmere capital full of fashion
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- #China travel has gone viral. Come along with China Daily reporter Martyn to explore the "cashmere capital", Ordos in Inner Mongolia autonomous region, where an exciting cashmere expo is going on.

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- An exclusive interview with Chinese Tennis Icon Li Na: Ace Echo 對話李娜:賽場有輸贏 人生不設限【黃金時代】
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
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- Thirteen years ago at the French Open, Chinese #tennis player #LiNa made history by winning Asia’s first Grand Slam singles title on the red clay courts of #RolandGarros. A decade after bidding farewell to professional tennis, Li Na shares with China Daily her experience as a trailblazer and her expectations and hopes for Asian tennis, as well as her wisdom on and off the court. Click to recall her remarkable career and embark on an inspiring voyage! #TheGold
十三年前的法國網球公開賽上,中國網球運動員 #李娜 在羅蘭加洛斯紅土球場創造歷史,贏下亞洲的第一個大滿貫冠軍。今年七月,羅蘭加洛斯即將迎接新的挑戰和期待——舉辦2024年巴黎奧運會網球賽事,當全世界的目光再次聚集到那片紅土球場,故事將如何書寫?本期《#黃金時代》對話網壇名將李娜,再回首,她與 #中國網球 共成長的那個時代。

- Title
- Paris Olympics (by the Chinese): part one - Along the Seine
- Date posted
- 7 months ago
- Description
- In the premiere episode of “Paris Olympics (by the Chinese)”, we explore the significant involvement of the Chinese community in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. Our journey begins with Zheng Jiaxin, a dedicated volunteer who shares her passion for giving back to the community. We then meet Jessy, a young martial arts champion chosen as a torchbearer, showcasing the cultural fusion of Chinese and French heritage.
The episode also highlights Taishan Sports, a leading Chinese sports equipment manufacturer from Shandong province, and their innovative contributions to the Games. Additionally, we learn about Alibaba Cloud’s pivotal role in providing the digital infrastructure to support the world’s biggest sporting event.
Follow us as we delve into the inspiring stories and technological advancements that are bridging cultures and continents in the city of Paris.

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- American youths' snapshots capture Kuliang bond 美國年輕人用拍立得記錄中國緣
- Date posted
- 8 months ago
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- American youths at the "Bond with Kuliang" event in Fuzhou, capital of East #China’s #Fujian province, captured unforgettable moments inspired by the theme of bond. Click the video to see their snapshots and hear why these moments mattered. #KuliangBonds

- Title
- 【#了不起的後浪:粵劇女文武生千珊】
- Date posted
- 8 months ago
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- #HKSAR27: Female Cantonese opera star Chin Shan, who normally plays leading male roles, finds it challenging to take on male characters' roles on stage. How does she manage to portray more masculinity than a real man despite the physical and mental differences between men and women? Check out the video for the answer.
粵劇行業中素有「乾旦坤生」之傳統,男女演員們以天賦、以汗水、以細緻入微的體察,飾演著並不屬於自己的性別。千珊,自小學習粵劇,因為「貪靚」想做花旦,最終卻在師長建議下成為了 #女文武生。這樣的經歷讓作為女性的她體會到了兩性世界的不同,並享受其中。她表示,女性去演繹男性角色,是一種雙重審美,是用女性視角去審美男性的精神,再演繹出來的過程。#香港回歸
#Cantoneseopera #chineseculture
#粵劇 #戲曲文化 #反串 #任劍輝 #...

- Title
- Through Kunqu Opera, Cheng Ting-yi has explored a larger landscape of Chinese culture.
- Date posted
- 8 months ago
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- Through #Kunqu Opera, Cheng Ting-yi has explored a larger landscape of Chinese culture by moving from #Taiwan to the Chinese mainland to seek the roots of the ancient art, fostering a sense of pride in his identity as Chinese. "We have confidence in our nation. That's why we want to explore the nation's past to learn about the splendid history and glorious culture," he said.

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- US students explore China 美國青年遊學中國
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- Embarking on a journey in Beijing and Hangzhou, 15 students from Indiana University of Pennsylvania explored China for two weeks. From ancient heritage to cutting-edge tech, their perspectives shifted profoundly. Click the video to witness their enlightening journey. #ThisIsChina
來自美國賓夕法尼亞印第安納大學的學生在北京和杭州進行了為期兩周的遊學和交流。看熊貓、吃火鍋、逛故宮、游西湖,充滿歡樂的人文旅程讓他們對中國文化深深著迷,參觀科技公司又讓他們感受到中國的創新活力。學生們紛紛感嘆「我愛中國」,此行打破了他們的一些刻板印象,贊嘆中國如此可愛。戳視頻看 #美國大學生發現中國之旅! #中國故事共創會

- Title
- China and Malaysia at 50: Shared Changing, Shared Future
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
- Description
- The way Chinese young people travel has changed dramatically in recent years with the rise of social media. “Check-in” style tourism is increasingly popular. As Malaysia removed visa requirements for Chinese travelers from Dec 1, the new traveling habits of China’s younger generation spread to the Southeast Asian nation, bringing economic benefits and facilitating people-to-people connections.
#ChinaandMalaysiaat50 #tourism #socialmedia
近年來,隨著社交媒體的興起,「打卡」式旅遊正在中國的年輕一代中流行起來。去年12月1日起,#馬來西亞 對 #中國 公民免簽,這股「打卡」的風也逐漸吹到了當地。出遊模式的改變讓中國遊客改變了旅行的視角,也加深了兩國人民的人文交流。 #中馬建交50週年

- Title
- Interview with Ouyang Yujing, China's ambassador to Malaysia
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
- Description
- In an exclusive interview with China Daily, China's ambassador to Malaysia, Ouyang Yujing, said the current bilateral relations between #China and #Malaysia are at their peak. As this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, the positive development in the political relationship, the economic and trade cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges have given both sides the confidence to further cooperate in various fields.
#中國 駐 #馬來西亞 特命全權大使歐陽玉靖接受《中國日報》專訪時表示,中馬兩國關係目前正處於高位。 在兩國建交五十週年之際,無論是高層互訪、經貿合作或人文交流等方面的發展態勢,都賦予了兩國在各領域更進一步合作的信心。
#中馬建交50週年 #中馬關係

- Title
- Hong Kong’s crucial role in the bilateral China-Malaysia trade relationship
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- In an interview with China Daily, Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong, president of the China-ASEAN Business Association, said that trade between China and Malaysia has boosted cooperation among #ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. He also noted Hong Kong’s crucial role in the bilateral China-Malaysia trade relationship. #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
中国—东盟商务协会总会长丹斯里林玉唐在接受中國日報專訪時表示,中馬貿易關係的建立有利於整個 #東盟 的貿易往來,香港也在其外匯兌換中起著至關重要的作用。#中馬建交50週年

- Title
- China's resource-rich cultural and tourism market will be provide huge opportunities in the future
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- This year marks the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between #China and #Malaysia. In an interview with China Daily, Lee Kim Yew, the first chairman of the Malaysia-China Business Council, said that the visa-free policy between China and Malaysia will allow for a better and more sustainable flow of people, business and economic activities. #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
#中馬建交五十週年 之際,#馬來西亞 綠野集團創始人兼董事長、馬來西亞-中國商務理事會首任主席李金友在接受中國日報專訪時表示,#中馬免簽政策 將進一步促進兩國間人员和經濟交流。#中馬建交50週年

- Title
- There’s a rich historical interaction between China and Malaysia that we need to explore
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- This year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations.
In an interview with China Daily, Zhao Hai, director of international political studies at the National Institute for Global Strategy, said there’s a rich historical interaction between #China and #Malaysia that we need to explore to understand. Based on that, we can move forward and encourage more interaction with the new generation, he added. #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
#中馬建交 五十週年之際,#中國 社會科學院國家全球戰略智庫國際政治研究部主任趙海接受中國日報採訪時表示,我們需要了解和探索中國與 #馬來西亞 在歷史上頻繁的互動,在此基礎上繼續交流,並鼓勵新一代進行更多的互動。#中馬建交50週年

- Title
- Malaysia’s former minister of transport looks for more in-depth exchanges between China and Malaysia
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations. Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Malaysia’s former minister of transport, said that #China has been a friend to #Malaysia since the 15th century. He looks forward to more in-depth exchanges between the two countries in areas such as business, education, tourism and culture. #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
今年是 #中馬建交50週年。#馬來西亞 前交通部長魏家祥表示,#中國 一直是馬來西亞的朋友,他期待兩國可以在商業、教育、旅遊和文化等領域有更多深入地交流。

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- EVs have brought a new driving force to Malaysia's economic development
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- In recent years, many Chinese companies have entered the Southeast Asian market, injecting new momentum into local economic growth. Liu Xueliang, general manager of the #BYD Asia-Pacific Auto Sales Division, gives an example that through new technologies and new products, electric vehicles have driven the development of many peripheral industries in #Malaysia, bringing a new driving force to the country's economic development. #EV #China #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
近年來,不少中國企業進入 #東南亞 市場,為當地經濟增長注入新動力。#比亞迪 亞太汽車銷售事業部總經理劉學亮在接受中國日報專訪時舉例表示,通過新技術和新產品,電動汽車帶動了 #馬來西亞 許多周邊產業的發展,為當地的經濟發展帶來新的驅動力。#中馬建交50週年

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- The visa free policy also further strengthens the ties between China Malaysia
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
- Description
- This year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations.
Representatives from the KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific said in an interview with China Daily that #China and #Malaysia have had wide-ranging cooperation and exchanges in different areas, including investment, business and education. The visa-free policy also further promotes the development of the tourism industry and strengthens the ties between the two countries' peoples. The representatives are confident that the relationship between the two countries will improve tremendously. #ChinaandMalaysiaat50
#中馬建交五十週年 之際,來自馬來西亞皇岦策略研究院的代表們在中國日報的採訪中表示五十年來,#中國 和 #馬來西亞 在投資、教育等方面都有廣泛的合作和交流,免簽政策也將進一步促進旅遊業的發展,加強兩國人民之間的聯繫,並相信未來中國和馬來西亞的關係會更加緊密。#中馬建交50週...

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- Our Roots: Disability no barrier to reviving ancient Chinese culture
- Date posted
- 9 months ago
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- A musical and dance performance, highlighting the culture of #Dunhuang, Gansu province, and performed by the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe, has gained immense popularity in #HongKong. The show drew inspiration from a mural in Dunhuang's famous #MogaoCave, showcasing the northewestern city's multiculturalism through dancing, music, drama and multimedia. The story's about filial piety and ancient cultural legacies that offer the audience not just visual enjoyment but also spiritual beauty. In an interview with China Daily, the troupe's director, Tai Lihua, emphasized the importance of these cultural legacies. #OurRoots
由 #中國殘疾人藝術團 創作演出的音樂情景劇《千手千眼》在 #香港 成功上演,大受歡迎。該劇取材於 #敦煌 #莫高窟 第三窟的壁畫,通過舞蹈,音樂,戲劇和多媒體展現了敦煌的多元文化,講述了一個關於「孝」的故事。藝術...

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- Building China-European bridges
- Date posted
- 10 months ago
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- China Daily reporter Zhao Manfeng invited several European youths to the Liangma River, known as the "Seine River of Beijing," to cruise along the river. They discussed the intricate connections between China and Europe, as well as the mutual friendship that flows between the Liangma River and the Seine River. #BridgingChinaandEurope

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- Female pilot's pursuit of skyward excellence
- Date posted
- 10 months ago
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- Meet Lin Tong, a co-pilot aboard the Airbus A350 for Air China, as she shares her captivating journey through the skies in this video. Born into the post-1995 generation, Lin was swiftly drawn to the exhilarating realm of aviation upon graduating in 2017. Inspired by seasoned female pilots, Lin aspires to ascend to the rank of an exceptional female captain, adeptly balancing professionalism with personal aspirations.

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- Yang Yuni has cultivated a booming career in her hometown
- Date posted
- 10 months ago
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- Yang Yuni, a passionate young advocate for preserving the cultural heritage of the Hani ethnic group, has cultivated a booming career in her hometown of Yunnan province, Southwest China. Watch her inspiring journey unfold! #culturalheritage

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- 【CDHK In-Depth | Plastic-free Hong Kong: are we ready? 「無塑香港」我們準備好了嗎?】
- Date posted
- 10 months ago
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- Hong Kong is taking a crucial step toward a plastic-free future by introducing a ban on single-use plastics starting April 22. However, is the city ready for the change? What else should we do to deal with the plastic waste problem? Gain in-depth insights from China Daily’s interviews with restaurant owners, policymakers, and green-tech startups. #plasticban #HK
4月22日起,香港开始施行首階段 #管制即棄塑膠產品,向「無塑」再邁進一步。本港餐廳將被禁止向顧客提供即棄發泡膠餐具、膠飲管、膠攪拌棒、膠刀叉匙、膠碟等一次性產品。然而,#香港 準備好迎接這一變化了嗎?解決 #塑膠垃圾 問題,我們還應該做什麼?與《中國日報》一起深度了解來自餐飲業、政策制定者、和綠色科創企業不同的聲音。

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- On board Xue Long 2
- Date posted
- 11 months ago
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- Xue Long 2, a cutting-edge polar research icebreaker that boasts the world’s first bidirectional and 360-degree free rotation technologies, is docking at Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong on a port call from April 9-12. It is also equipped with a helicopter that has sleds and a state-of-the-art gymnasium to keep its crew healthy and fit. Click on the video to join us on this magic exploration!

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- The United States deliberately spreads panic to discredit the Article 23 legislation
- Date posted
- 11 months ago
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- The United States announced on March 29 that it would impose new visa restrictions on Hong Kong officials in response to the implementation of Article 23 of the Basic Law. Alan Hoo, a senior counsel and chairman of the Basic Law Institute of Hong Kong, told China Daily that the US disregarded the opinions of Hong Kong society in an attempt to fearmonger and smear Article 23 of the Basic Law.

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- A horse-faced fashion 馬面裙為啥廣受歡迎?老外也想瞭解一下
- Date posted
- 11 months ago
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- Mamianqun, or horse-faced skirt, is a traditional Chinese fashion that has exploded in popularity in recent years, thanks in large part to a clothing production base in #Shandong province. What is the history behind #Mamianqun, and how did it become a trending #fashion? Watch the video to find out.
為中國傳統服飾中的一大特色,#馬面裙 近年來火爆出圈。馬面裙有什麼來歷和講究?為什麼突然火了?在馬面裙產地中,山東曹縣尤為突出,其馬面裙的產量和品質均位於全國前列。曹縣馬面裙為什麼受歡迎? 中國日報《#神奇的中國縣城 》欄目帶你去看看!